
Self Awareness


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Note: In this review I explore the overarching themes of the book as opposed to plot and story to avoid any spoilers.

The Travelling Cat Chronicles is a novel by Japanese author Hiro Arikawa, translated by Philip Gabriel. This book has long been on my list, but when I received it as a Christmas gift from my lovely wife, I didn’t really know what to expect. I mean I read the back of the book jacket in the store and took a picture to put on my Good Reads account. That’s how most books end up on my list.

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There never seems to ever be enough time to accomplish everything we need to get done. Yet there are activities we do every day that continually waste our most precious resource because we have built them into our routine and they have become habit.

In order to unlock more time in our day, we have to take a hard look at what we are doing and how it plays into our daily balance of activities. For me, time sinks usually fall into to a few major categories. Work inefficiencies, pleasure binging, and boredom.

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